Why you should only drink organic coffee

For some of us, coffee is a sort of meditative, morning essential - the richness and warmth of a piping hot cup of joe immediately transports us to a blissed-out happy place. But for others, it’s a matter of “how quickly can I guzzle down caffeine to meet my impending project deadline.” Regardless of the scenario you identify with the most, it’s absolutely imperative to sip on 100% organic coffee, not just for your own well-being, but for the wider community too. 

Conventional coffee happens to be the number-one most sprayed crop that humans consume worldwide. It’s also the second most traded commodity on the planet, with over 12 billion pounds of coffee produced annually. To no surprise, there are a lot of horrific growing conditions for conventional coffee. Regular coffee is also a cross rotated crop with cotton, both are highly sprayed with chemicals and often the cotton is GMO. 

So, if your coffee isn’t certified organic, you’re probably ingesting an incomprehensible load of chemicals and pesticides that might be acutely toxic. Needless to say, the jarring health ramifications will certainly unfold overtime. 

In a moment we’ll discuss all the notable reasons why you should only drink organic coffee, like GOODONYA Organic Dark Roast Coffee -- described as ultra smooth, delectably rich in flavor, low acidity, with a discernible caramelized finish. Our coffee values ensure you wake up feeling as GOOD as it gets and for the long-run too. If you never want to risk running out of organic coffee, get one bag shipped to your doorstep every month and snag 10% off HERE. 

Looking for an organic DECAF coffee without compromising good taste? We got you covered. Our decaf coffee is dark roasted and emanates a velvety-smooth dark chocolate aroma. You seriously won’t believe it’s decaf. 

Now, let’s chat about the 5 reasons your coffee should always be organic.


1. It just tastes GOOD

If you’ve ever gulped down a cup of joe that tastes like straight up dirt, chances are, it was probably conventional coffee and not organic. High-quality beans that actually taste good come directly from organic coffee trees planted with natural fertilizers. It’s pretty straightforward: chemical-free soil will always breed a pure cup of good-tasting coffee. Also, since it’s more expensive to buy (20-25% higher than conventional coffee), farmers are incentivized to keep their trees in tip top shape before harvesting, which improves the overall taste astronomically. 

2. It’s full of GOOD nutrients

The lack of synthetic chemicals in organic coffee makes space for more vitamins and minerals. Some of the micronutrients you’ll find in organic coffee include potassium, niacin, and magnesium -- all of which we usually lack in our everyday diet. Trace amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5 are usually detected in organic coffee, which is a major bonus. Due to all of organic coffee’s nutrient-rich goodness, drinking organic coffee is linked to stress relief, strengthening your immune system, and boosting your metabolism!


3. Free of harmful pesticides and chemicals

As we mentioned in the very beginning, conventional coffee is among the most heavily chemically treated foods in the world. It is heavily saturated in synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides, closely connected to a multitude of health concerns such as Parkinson's disease, depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Yikes. 

In order for organic coffee to be certified by the U.S Department of Agriculture, organic coffee farms need to adhere to stringent practices that protect the environment and their workers. Needless to say, you won’t come across any synthetic fertilizers or harmful chemicals used in growing or production. This also translates to much cleaner beans, air, land, and water. 


4. 10x better for the planet and the people

In general, organic farming is 100% more eco-friendly and better for the planet for a myriad of reasons. For one, it’s less hazardous as it emits less carbon than chemical farming. Organic practices such as composting, trap carbon in the atmosphere and allow time for it to break down before infiltrating the environment. 

Secondly, the farmers tending to the coffee crops aren’t subjected to inhaling chemicals and harmful pesticides while spraying, which mitigate a whole onslaught of health issues. Moreover the surrounding land or water isn’t contaminated by chemical residue, which affects the greater community at large.  

Last but certainly not least, organic growing methods aid in the preservation of forests, as it's the ideal ‘shaded’ habitat for organic coffee trees to thrive and grow! The natural land isn’t manipulated at all, which keeps wildlife out of harm’s way and provides additional shelter for smaller forest creatures. On the flipside, conventional coffee is usually grown in the sun, which results in demolishing forests and wildlife habitat to make additional room for coffee crops. 


5. Provides economical support 

Oftentimes, it’s extremely burdening for third world coffee farmers to sustain organic growing methods due to strict regulations, which is why many opt to stay in the “conventional coffee” lane. However, in the more recent years, there’s been an aggressive push to advocate for organic and sustainable coffee growing practices, not only for the betterment of our planet, but smaller micro-communities too. 

So, when you opt to buy certified organic coffee, you’re honorably standing by a more meaningful, global development that advocates for higher standards of living on a worldwide scale. 


Note From Our Founder Kris:  The TRAVEL POUR OVER 

Making a cup of pour over coffee in your hotel room has never been easier. If you bring what you need with you, all you need once in the room is hot water. You can get this from room service or make your own on the pod coffee makers that are in most rooms now. 
Grind enough coffee for each day and put in ziplock. Make sure it’s really closed so coffee grinds don’t open on you and get on your clothes. I use a zip lock and then put in an outer bigger zip lock and then pack. 
Bring a little pour over cone and enough filters for your trip. I always take a few extra filters just in case one rips. That was devastating once. 
Most hotel rooms have the pod coffee makers now. Buy a bottle of spring water* for your room. Brew through just the hot water in that little machine, don’t add the little coffee pod. Just brew water. 
Now you have a full cup of how water and you can pour that hot water over your beans in the cone. I am apparently “extra” says my wife. I also travel with my Ember mug which helps the coffee stay at temp. 
*You don’t need spring water, you can use tap. “Extra" I know.  
I love waking up to the beans I love, knowing they are GOOD for me, and I make my coffee as strong as I want it. 
Google “pour over coffee” and you will find lots of options and advice. 
If you do this I would totally freak out if you tagged us in a post, I’d love to see you in action. 

Wrapping up

Without a doubt, drinking organic coffee not only results in taste bud euphoria, but lends itself to sustainable practices that impact the entire planet. When given a clear choice, always opt for certified organic coffee, like GOODONYA Organic Dark Roast Coffee. Every purchase always supports local farmers that sustainably grow Organic, Fairtrade, and Co-Op beans. Once you take a sip of the GOOD stuff, there’s no going back -- trust us. 

To get a bag of the GOODONYA Organic Dark Coffee shipped to your doorstep every month, click here to subscribe to the good life and save 10% off today! 


  1. “4 Health Benefits of Organic Coffee - Based on Science.” Coffee Affection, 13 Sept. 2020, coffeeaffection.com/organic-coffee-benefits/. Accessed 27 Oct. 2021.
  2. “Five Reasons to Drink Organic Coffee.” Feast, vocal.media/feast/five-reasons-to-drink-organic-coffee. Accessed 27 Oct. 2021.
  3. Florio, Gina. “All the Reasons You Should Consider Switching to Organic Coffee.” POPSUGAR Fitness, 22 Aug. 2018, www.popsugar.com/fitness/Organic-Coffee-Better-You-45192654. Accessed 27 Oct. 2021.