When it comes to answering the question, “How much water should a female drink per day?”, keep in mind that all those short simple answers are recommendations, not requirements.
There are too many variables that make it impossible to simply say this is how many ounces of water a woman should drink. Women are unique when it comes to how much water to drink everyday because women have to consider menstruation and pregnancy.
Your water intake needs may vary, based on your health, your diet, your size, your activity level, your climate, your menstruation and your pregnancy status.
You can quickly look up your daily water intake by inputting your information into an online water intake calculator. There are also smartphone apps you can download.
- Water intake calculator for android phones and for iPhones.
- Water intake tracker/reminder for android phones and for iPhones.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends a total of 9 glasses (slightly less than 2 liters) of water per day for women. A pregnant woman should increase 1 glass of water per day, and a woman breastfeeding should increase 3 glasses of water every day.
On a hot day or if you are doing something that makes you sweat a lot, you will need to drink more fluids to stay hydrated. It also applies if you have an illness that makes you vomit or if you have a fever.
You will become dehydrated if you don't intake enough water. Mild dehydration often occurs before you are even aware of it. Severe dehydration can cause significant physical problems.
In general, dehydration increases in the summer months when the heat index is high. Most people know that dehydration is bad for them, but you will be surprised to see how many still get dehydrated.
In addition to the general feeling of dizziness and dry mouth, which often women recognize as dehydration, there are many hidden dangers that affect their physical and mental health. The human body is made up of approximately 60-70% water and many studies show that when we lose an average of 1-2% of fluid, we are already experiencing mild dehydration.
When the body is dehydrated, the balance of salt and blood gets disrupted which affects the muscles. When this happens it causes the muscles to feel tired which saps your energy.
Our brains are influenced by the state of hydration! Even mild dehydration can disturb the functioning of the brain. Dehydration has been shown to hinder the ability to focus and concentrate. It affects functions such as problem-solving.
A study on women found that 1.3% of fluid loss changes mood and increases the frequency of headaches.
The issue with staying hydrated during pregnancy is that the woman’s body is dealing with so much more than a regular person. Some of these physical strains include:
- Weight gain: Because you are gaining weight (any amount) your body is working harder and burning more energy than usual.
- Baby in the womb: You are carrying a growing baby inside of you which means the baby is drawing sustenance and energy from you.
- Sweating: Women sweat more during pregnancy which means they are losing fluids more rapidly than usual.
- Breast changes: During pregnancy a woman's breasts increase in size and fullness and the closer it gets to the due date, hormone changes cause the breasts to get even more full to prepare for breastfeeding.
- Fatigue: Pregnant women experience fatigue more often because they are tired from burning more energy. Even after they have slept, they still feel fatigue.
- Urinary: Bladder control is a common issue during pregnancy, as the baby pushes down on the bladder. This pressure leads to a frequent need to urinate.
- Stretching skin: Your skin is being stretched during pregnancy...for 9 months.
- Varicose veins: While you are pregnant, the volume of blood increases. This often causes veins to enlarge. For this reason, varicose veins in the legs are more common in pregnancy.
- Morning sickness: In the first trimester, hormone changes can cause nausea and vomiting. Some women experience severe morning sickness which takes a toll on their body because fluids are being lost.
All of these pregnancy symptoms are causing loss of fluids or need of fluids. By looking at all of these issues a pregnant woman's body is dealing with, it is clear why it is so important for pregnant women to stay hydrated.
Increased sweating, vomiting, and frequent urination accelerate the loss of water, minerals, and electrolytes in a woman’s body. When you add Morning sickness on top of that, it seriously increases the loss of these fluids.
Often pregnant women don’t even know they are dehydrated because the symptoms are attributed to the pregnancy, dehydration symptoms like headaches, queasiness and fatigue. Vomiting in pregnancy often leads to dehydration because mom doesn’t realize how much fluid she is losing and it’s even worse if she has diarrhea.
The inability for mom to retain food makes it worse because she may not be meeting her dietary needs, which include the infants needs. She may be reducing weight, as well as losing fluids, combined with the loss of stomach acid that happens through vomiting. Her body is working harder than it’s ever worked and as a result is heating up.
When you combine all of this you can see how easily a pregnant mom can become dehydrated and lose vital electrolytes. You must replace the fluids AND electrolytes. The human body does not produce electrolytes. We get electrolytes through consumption.
Drinking enough water can treat mild dehydration, but when you are suffering from severe dehydration,electrolytes is the best solution. Electrolyte drinks contain potassium and sodium, which help your body absorb water faster. These electrolytes help prevent dehydration, making them especially useful during pregnancy.
Minerals help to make hormones, help to maintain a normal heartbeat, and even aid in digestion. The primary benefit of Electrolytes is that itprevents dehydration and makes you feel GOOD.
Since our bodies do not make minerals or electrolytes, we need to get them from our diet. They come from the soil, our food, great spring water, and natural salt. They come from nature! Commercial/GMO farming has stripped the natural minerals from our soil. Bottled, purified, RO water filters out natural minerals, so we need them more than ever.
If you are pregnant, and especially if you are experiencing morning sickness, drink healthy electrolyte drinks everyday.
All the body cells and organs need water to function correctly. The benefits for women staying hydrated are many and include:
- Feeling better all around!
- Your skin will feel better.
- Your mind will be more alert.
- Your mood will be more level.
- You will have more energy.
- Your joints will feel better.
- Your body temperature will be regulated.
- It helps improve job performance.
- It helps with cleansing your system.
- It helps keep you regular.
- It helps your immune system.
- It helps with weight Loss.
- When pregnant it helps keep your baby hydrated.
As a woman, you should do what’s necessary to drink enough water daily, especially if you are pregnant and it is vital if you are experiencing morning sickness. Drinking water has its benefits, and it is essential for living, but including electrolyte drinks are even better.