You know the importance of staying hydrated, but you hate drinking water. Or is that just me?  I have good news. You don't have to drink plain water to stay hydrated. And in fact, chugging RO/Filtered water all day long and delete your minerals and lead to dehydration. 

There are even ways to help stay hydrated that don't involve water at all. 

Your hydration routine should start as soon as you wake up in the morning and should continue throughout your day until bedtime. 

Getting dehydrated can make you feel terrible, and it can also be dangerous. Here are some symptoms of dehydration that you need to know:

  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dry skin
  • Dizziness
  • Increased thirst
  • Lack of performance
  • Irritability
  • Brain Fog

The challenge is not to let your body become dehydrated in the first place. That begins with proper hydration. Here are some ways to incorporate hydrating foods and drinks into your day that won't make you feel like you are chugging gallons of water to avoid dehydration.


The most obvious solution for hydrating is to incorporate fluids. So, let's talk about how to incorporate fluids that taste good and are healthy. 


Water is the best solution for hydrating yourself, but because water can be boring and you can get tired of drinking water all day. I suggest you find water that tastes good to you. Spring water is the gold standard in my opinion, with taste and quality. But it's still boring to me:) 

Check out the annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting competition that welcomes more than one hundred waters from across the country and around the globe. It is the largest water tasting competition in the world.

If you prefer to use tap water try using various filtration systems. You can install a reverse osmosis system, which seems to be a favorite for many people. Or you may want to try a filtered water pitcher.  How you drink it also matters for taste. You may like it cold or only in glass. Find the right water bottle for yourself, like an insulated water bottle. But keep in mind you need to add minerals to this water because they have been stripped out. Drinking a ton of this water can actually decrease your minerals and electrolytes. Tap water does unfortunately contain many contaminates that filters just can't get out. 

There are so many bottled water brands and types. Know the difference between distilled, filtered, and spring water. Try to find a local spring water delivery company that will bring 3-5 gallon jugs to your home. Spring water is the most natural water on earth. 

2. Hydration Drinks

The one thing that oral hydrating solutions have that other ways of hydration don't are electrolytes. Electrolytes are essential minerals like sodium, potassium, and calcium that are imperative for restoring hydration and many vital functions of the body.

Drinking a sports drink has been touted as the go-to for replacing electrolytes; however, the benefits of these drinks are outweighed by the amount of sugar they contain. Pretty much the only benefit I see from a sports drink is it might save your life when you severely dehydrated and about to die. That is the only I'd put one of these toxic drinks in my body. And don't fall for the low sugar versions. They are worse because they contain artificial sweeteners. And every sport drink contains fake flavors, colors, crazy additives - they are a toxic total mess. 

So what is the solution? A non-GMO, all-organic drink made with real ingredients. It's called HYDRATE

HYDRATE was created by Olympic athlete Kris Fillat-Buchanan who spent most of her life drinking sugar-filled sports drinks to stay hydrated and ultimately paid a very high price. As a result of her journey, HYDRATE came to be.

Grab your water bottle and give HYDRATE a try. Made with only six real ingredients: organic lemon juice, organic coconut water, organic stevia, aquamin magnesium, Himalayan pink salt, and ascorbic acid, it has only 1 gram of sugar.

It takes like a clean, fresh lemonade. It will satiate your palate, quench your thirst and keep you hydrated and feeling great all day long. It tastes like real lemonade because they real lemons vs fake lemon flavoring. 

3. Coconut Water

Coconut water is more beneficial than regular water after low-key exercise. It also has more potassium and less sodium and carbohydrates than sports drinks. However, after a hard workout and increased sweating, you need to have a drink that has enough sodium to replace the salt that you are losing in your sweat. Oral hydrating solutions are the gold standard. Coconut water can also has a lot of sugar and for some the taste is too sugary and thick. 

Let's not forget the role that hydration plays in keeping our bodies functioning properly:

  • It regulates body temperature
  • It improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood (brain function)
  • It delivers nutrients to cells
  • It keeps organs functioning properly
  • It can prevent infections
  • It lubricates our joints for proper movement
  • Helps us detox

4. Coffee

Your morning cup of Joe can be your first step toward your day's hydration. In moderation, coffee can add to your fluid intake for the day. The stimulant in coffee (caffeine) does act as a diuretic in large quantities however studies have shown that in moderate amounts coffee can hydrate in the same way that water does. You must absolutely make sure your coffee is organic. Coffee is the 2nd most traded commodity on the planet. There are a lot of terrible growing conditions for conventional coffee. Coffee is also a cross rotated crop with cotton, both are highly sprayed with chemicals and often the cotton is GMO. 

5. Milk

Although it isn't the first thing that comes to mind after grueling spin class, milk is an excellent source of hydration. Believe it or not, milk is actually more hydrating than water, and here's why. Milk contains the sugar lactose, protein, and fat, which causes it to stay in the stomach longer and continues to hydrate the body over time. Milk also contains sodium, which is known to cause the body to hold onto water. However, most milk on the market is factory farmed. At GOODONYA we carry the gold standard, 100% organic, raw milk from a CA farm. 


When thinking of the 8 best ways to hydrate yourself, foods don't generally come to mind. However, many water-based foods provide both nutrients and beneficial water content. Making some simple changes to your diet can decrease your chances of becoming dehydrated, especially if you are not a fan of plain water.

6. Oatmeal

One way to start your day off on the right foot from a hydration standpoint is eating oatmeal. Because oatmeal absorbs the water or milk that it's cooked in, it provides hydration along with its many other nutritional benefits.

7. Fruit and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a great way to increase your water intake. They can be used in smoothies for a refreshing treat to enjoy, added to salads, used to make vegetable juice, or eaten by themselves as a snack. Here are some fruits and vegetables that are exceptionally high in water content:

  • Watermelon (or any melon)
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Oranges (or any citrus fruits)

8. Soup

According to U.S. News and World Report, broth-based soups are an excellent way to stay hydrated. Making a cold soup or Gazpacho using hydrating fruits and veggies coupled with the sodium in the broth packs a mega punch for hydration. Again, the sodium causes the body to hold onto the water providing continued hydration. Make sure you are getting your sodium from real sea salt, not just sodium chloride. If you see that on the list of ingredients, do not buy that product. 

In Summary

If you hate water but want to stay adequately hydrated, there are other choices. Your hydration regime should start with the food and drink you choose for breakfast and should be carried over through lunch and dinner. Maintain hydration by drinking fluids such as an oral hydrating solution throughout the day. 

If you work outside in the heat or exercise vigorously, drinking an oral hydrating solution is vital to maintaining hydration. As you sweat, your body loses salt, which water alone cannot replenish. Replacing electrolytes will quickly restore hydration, leaving you feeling your best and keep your body performing at an optimal level.
